Sunday Schooled

Biblical lessons that finally make sense.

Missing You On Christmas Eve

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By: Liz Queen

Twas the night before Christmas and all through my heart,

I long for the days before we were apart.

Decorations are up with a futile desire

to be sitting here with you in front of the fire.

How I remember the chaos and noise

of kids and their pile-up of soon-broken toys.

The aroma of mom preparing with ease

the meals for which there are now no recipes.

And dad who just beamed over all of his brood,

Oh please help me push through my desolate mood!

Friends still call with a party invitation, but

it just magnifies my current situation.

BUT if not for the virgin birth that led to this day,

you’d be gone, forever, just taken away.

So I’m grateful, so thankful, with bittersweet cheer,

For the birth of the Christ child that keeps you still near.

Christmas Again

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By: Liz Queen


It’s that time of year again and I’m really trying. Bottom line, I miss my family members who aren’t here anymore. The Christmas season can be long and hard.


For those of us who may be struggling this season with the empty chair(s) at the holiday table, the Christmas carol we can’t bear to hear because of the memories it brings, the search for new traditions when we really wish we could have the old ones back, stay encouraged by and FOCUSED on the reason for the season!

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What Christmas is REALLY about is Christianity, which teaches us that the birth of the baby Jesus was the start of God’s brilliantly divine plan to ensure reunification with our loved ones, through the gift of everlasting life.

That’s GOOD NEWS, and a Christmas blessing to help bring you warm comfort and a smile to your tear-stained face. That still may not make you feel happy today. But can you allow yourself to feel the JOY of eternity?