Sunday Schooled

Christmas. Again.

By: Liz Queen


It’s that time of year again and I’m really trying. Bottom line, I miss my family members who aren’t here anymore. The Christmas season can be long and hard.


For those of us who may be struggling this season with the empty chair(s) at the holiday table, the Christmas carol we can’t bear to hear because of the memories it brings, the search for new traditions when we really wish we could have the old ones back, stay encouraged by and FOCUSED on the reason for the season!

What Christmas is REALLY about is Christianity, which teaches us that the birth of the baby Jesus was the start of God’s brilliantly divine plan to ensure reunification with our loved ones, through the gift of everlasting life.

That’s GOOD NEWS, and a Christmas blessing to help bring you warm comfort and a smile to your tear-stained face. That still may not make you feel happy today. But can you allow yourself to feel the JOY of eternity?


At This Time In My Life

Not Thankful, But I Want To Be Grateful

By: Liz Queen

Dear Liz Queen:

You probably get messages like this every year this time. It’s Thanksgiving week but my heart is so heavy.

Here’s my answer, with understanding and compassion:

Try to love your existence enough to be GRATEFUL for even what you’re not THANKFUL about.

I’m not thankful about those extra pounds that take so much longer to get rid of now. But I’m grateful for the daily sustenance that put this weight on my body. And I’m grateful I can move my limbs so I can add exercise to a more healthy nutrition plan.

You may not be thankful about the excruciating pain that came from ending toxic relationships, but be grateful the excruciatingly toxic relationships finally, FINALLY ended.

It’s hard to be thankful about a workplace that consistently doesn’t value its people, but be grateful you’re one of the people who has a workplace for now. And be grateful for your gifts and skills that will lead you to the environment where you belong.

You can’t be thankful about circumstances you feel ripped your world apart, but be grateful that what’s ripped apart can be delicately, thoughtfully mended.

Grateful for my friend who “jams” with me.

If you can’t be thankful about your interactions with all of your family and friends, be grateful for those friends who love you like family, and family members who are close to you like friends.

It’s tough to be thankful about a financial situation that’s just not working, but be grateful in knowing you’ll work it out…again…

When you’re not thankful about your health diagnosis, it makes you even more grateful for your belief system that transcends the physical.

Sometimes it’s good to just walk it out …

I’m truly not thankful about everything that’s landed on my “to do” list right now. But I’m grateful for the anticipation of how good it will feel when I finally get a priority taken care of.

How can I be thankful about everything I’m hoping for when I haven’t seen my hopes come true? Because I’m grateful for the spirit inside me that annoyingly insists on keeping me hopeful.

I’m not thankful when I feel the angst of souls like you who share with me, but I’m grateful that the fact you shared means you know I’m concerned about your concerns, too.

I’m not thankful for the circumstances that brought us to this same space, but I’m so grateful we’ve had this time to join together. That’s with Foot on the Rock means to me…today…let’s