About Foot On The Rock

Foot on the Rock is your firm, steady source of whatever you need, when you need it.

What Is Foot On The Rock?

I thought she never told us, but she really did, repeatedly.

“Put Your Foot on the Rock,” she used to say to us, after we’d inhaled her kindness and advice.

“What’s that mean?” we used to ask her, internalizing her words, as always.

“What’s it mean to you?” she’d respond in an inquisitive yet declarative statement, preparing to listen to us again, and oh, what a listener she was! 

Or she’d reply with an answer I think she knew would constantly challenge us. She’d say:

“Foot on the Rock is whatever it means to you.”

So we were waiting for an answer that was really just waiting for our individual understanding.  

I finally comprehend it. I’m ready to receive it now. It’s exactly what she told us, as always.

You’ll grasp it when it reaches out and lets you feel it, too.

Foot on the Rock is your firm, steady source of whatever you need, when you need it.

Here’s what Foot on the Rock means to me…today…at this time in my life.

Foot on the Rock is what keeps me climbing steadfastly in pursuit of the heights of my destiny.

Foot on the Rock is that surreal sense of security when what I was relying on suddenly gives way.

Foot on the Rock is whatever keeps me grounded, one purposeful step after another.

Foot on the Rock is what gives me help-me-now support when I need an unwavering foundation.

Foot on the Rock is my base, my legacy I stand on as I continue to create my own story.

Foot on the Rock is that one single step that leads me to one more and one more and one more.

Foot on the Rock’s where I can relax and get refreshed in whatever way feels relaxing and refreshing.

Foot on the Rock’s the strong source that saves my spirit when I fear something inside me’s wandering astray.

Foot on the Rock is whatever holds me up when the earth shifts and I stumble don’t fall.  

Foot on the Rock’s the touchpoint where I find the peace I firmly believe is looking for me, too.

Foot on the Rock is the designated meeting spot for where I am now and where I’m supposed to go.

Foot on the Rock’s the place I go when I feel alone, to meet the people who are meant to be with me.

Foot on the Rock is my immovable destination that keeps me from getting sucked in by what’s beneath me.  

Foot on the Rock is what stays sturdy and stays put so I feel comfortable journeying from my comfort zone. 

Foot on the Rock contradictorily softly cuddles me and comforts me from so much that’s so, so hard.

Foot on the Rock is that place that, when I get there, I know I’ve landed where I’m supposed to be.

Putting your Foot on the Rock means you won’t falter.

Keeping your Foot on the Rock means you won’t stray.

Foot on the Rock is whatever YOU need it to be in just the way YOU need it.

FOOT ON THE ROCK is your firm, steady source of whatever you need, when you need it.

You’ll know when you’ve put your Foot on the Rock.

What’s does Foot on the Rock mean to you…today?


Joseph Cooke – Creative Director

Liz Queen – Writer