Keep Your Foot On The Rock

New Year-2020

By: Liz Queen

Dear Liz Queen:

The optimism I had for a brand new year is already fading. It’s only mid-January! I really did want to keep my resolutions this year.  


I know, Love. 

Seems like the New Year’s Eve ball has just dropped and now you’ve already dropped the ball? 

Chances are the same thing happened last January too, right?

That’s no surprise. There’s no magic that morphs you at midnight. The transformation you anticipated the second the clock struck 12:01:01 makes for lovely lyrics and memorable memes, but faulty planning. 

And yes, I know this is supposed to be the year of “2020 vision.” So don’t lose your resolve. Just change your focus. Even those with so-called perfect vision can only see so far! 

It’s not surprising that trying to look out over the entire year all at once results in a distorted view. And it’s inevitable something will happen to blur your vision of what the whole year will look like; there’s so much you just can’t see. 

But don’t put away the paper party hats – stock up! 

Because EVERY day is the start of a new year! And so is the next day and the next day and the next one. 

Get it? 

A series of short term steps is what’s needed to execute your long-term plans. What can you resolve to do or not to do THIS day?  Or this day part, or even this hour or moment or second? 

Start with actually doing what you can see right within your gaze. Let that lead you, one look at a time, to the long term goals you’re envisioning.  

And since hindsight’s even sharper than foresight, use that to your advantage too.

Look back proudly at each forward step you took last year, and be motivated by a symbolic celebratory toast to your triumphs. 

So Happy New Year, today and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow! This is New Year’s Eve,,,again,,,